Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So fashion forward

So apparently long, loose skirts and long flowing dresses are popular right now--such a trend setter I am in my always summery clothing :)

A weekend in tropical paradise

This was our first weekend in Fiji, complete with rainbows and a tropical vegan breakfast :).  This is rainbow number one. 

This is rainbow number two, and some sunshine (a semi-rare occurrence in Suva.  It is winter, so not the "wet" season, but it was still quite drizzly for the first week.)

This is the view from our Boss's house, where we were staying for the first few days.  The harbor is gorgeous. 

And here are two shots of the fabulous brunch Co-Intern and I made to celebrate our first Saturday in Fiji.  The fantastic flowers and art direction of the plates is all Co-Intern, I just made the (vegan) banana-walnut-pineapple pancakes. 
The fruits here are pretty irresistible.  Sadly, a hurricane knocked all of the mangoes off of the trees at the beginning of mango season, but the papayas are fabulous!

PS--Now that I realize how incredibly easy it is to post photos, I will try to go back and add some to my Israel posts.


Apparently there was a 5.5 magnitude earthquake in the Fiji region at 10:16 am this morning... didn't notice it, but then it was supposed to be 270 miles away.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Fiji is great, but there is one unavoidable truth--the mosquitoes here are vicious, and bite through clothing. :(

Friday, June 18, 2010

Waking up to rain, but breakfasting to rainbows

So the weather has been mostly rainy and gray since my co-intern and I arrived. But this morning, despite the seemingly persistent drizzle when I woke up, the sun came out and several rainbow appeared while we ate breakfast. I took a few pictures which I will post later.

Work is going to be very interesting, but for the most part I'm going to refrain from post details both because I don't know what the confidentiality issues are and because I want to be respectful of the governments and organizations we are working with. However, if I make the news for designing a virus that destroys MS Access databases, trust me that it will be well deserved, borne out of intense frustration (which hasn't actually come to fruition yet, but I see it around the corner).

Right now I'm on the housing search, and there are a few promising options. We've been staying in our boss's home, and it is exceptionally lovely. International staff typically receive considerably higher salaries than local staff (arguably because they are filling positions that require expertise that could not be filled by local staff), so they tend to have nicer places, closer to town, than the local staff. This home is gorgeous. It overlooks the harbor, rolling hills/mountains, and has a small terraced garden with a swimming pool. Most importantly, it has security guards.

It turns out I am not living in a very safe city. Co-intern and I had our security briefing from the UN security officer yesterday, and it was both eye-opening and very frightening. Of course the man has a degree in intelligence and used to work for the government, so he was not going to state things lightly.

In 2006 there was a military coup in Fiji. In 2009 (after a series of events) the president suspended the constitution and put the leader of the coup in charge of the country. As a result of this political situation, Fiji was kicked out of the Commonwealth and the Pacific Islands Forum, and donor nations stopped providing [as much] aid directly to the government. This, of course, had severe economic consequences. There has been a major increase in begging and prostitution, which Fijians say were not seen before the coup. Most frighteningly for me, there has been a serious increase in the number of home invasions, including break ins and sexual assaults. Sexual assault isn't about money, it's about power and control, but its easy to see how they're all related. The security officer said the rate is about 1 a day (unofficially, the official numbers would never show this).

So I want to make sure I stay in a place with fences, locks, and hopefully guards. I'm on the lookout, and I'll let y'all know the results!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Exactly 1 Post About Italy...

I completely failed to blog about Italy--sorry Grandma! I'm now in Fiji for a summer internship with the Pacific Financial Inclusion Program (a UNDP, AusAID, UNCDF and EU joint venture), but I will try to throw in a few posts about how Italy was.

Fiji is amazing. Stunningly gorgeous, decidedly developing, and completely unlike anywhere else I've been... except that I tend to gravitate towards warm climates with friendly people, which describes Fiji well. I'll post more when I haven't "worked" an eight hour day after arriving in country for the first time at 5 am. I'm exceptionally jet-lagged for me.