Wednesday, June 23, 2010

A weekend in tropical paradise

This was our first weekend in Fiji, complete with rainbows and a tropical vegan breakfast :).  This is rainbow number one. 

This is rainbow number two, and some sunshine (a semi-rare occurrence in Suva.  It is winter, so not the "wet" season, but it was still quite drizzly for the first week.)

This is the view from our Boss's house, where we were staying for the first few days.  The harbor is gorgeous. 

And here are two shots of the fabulous brunch Co-Intern and I made to celebrate our first Saturday in Fiji.  The fantastic flowers and art direction of the plates is all Co-Intern, I just made the (vegan) banana-walnut-pineapple pancakes. 
The fruits here are pretty irresistible.  Sadly, a hurricane knocked all of the mangoes off of the trees at the beginning of mango season, but the papayas are fabulous!

PS--Now that I realize how incredibly easy it is to post photos, I will try to go back and add some to my Israel posts.

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