Saturday, July 17, 2010

Wandering around Suva pt. 2

So the Fiji Islands had amazing traditions of personal adornament, but then the Methodists came and declared cool hair, body paint and nakedness ungodly.  And now they have phenomenal influence everywhere.  Why the Fijians didn't just say screw you is unclear.

This sign hangs over downtown Suva, across from an abandoned and boarded up club that advertises its air conditioning to try to entice partiers.

Also on this street: some incredible Indian clothing shops I can't wait to visit.

The market in Suva is very fun.  Lots of cool veggies and fruits, including these bitter cucumbers.

There were also pineapples next to these for FJD 3.  These are the inferior, but more photogenic pineapples.

Yum, dalo (aka taro).  Here Fijians also cook the tops of dalo, called roro.  The treat roro like spinach or collard greens.  But before you cook it you have to wash it extremely thoroughly, otherwise it will cause your mouth and throat to itch as you eat it. 

The best roro is as part of palisami, a roro and coconut milk concotion cooked as part of a lovo (this amazing Fijian meal cooked beneath hot coconuts and stones for hours, with fish, dalo, chicken and veggies).

Outside of Suva Market are vendors for these phenomenal tropical flowers.  It puts pretty much any garden ever to shame.

After the market I went to Cost-U-Less, which is basically a chain of mini-Costcos throughout the tropics.  After a rough week of not quite adjusting to Fijian food, it was great to find some familiar things to eat.

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