Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Only the Second of Ulpan and my Brain is already fried...

I did not realize how exhausting five hours of ulpan (hebrew classes) a day would be. Since I know my letters very well, the last hour and a half of the class I just work in the book. Nevertheless, it is incredible draining. Everyone in the program is feeling the exhaustion. I would have loved to go into Tel-Aviv tonight, but I simply didn't have the energy. I barely had the energy to look through my notes from today's lessons (I keep the vocabulary we learn in a seperate notebook and I'm trying to transcribe the new words from each lesson at night).

Yesterday (Monday) we did not have ulpan (the Israeli work/school week is Sunday through Thursday), thanks to our teacher being unavailable, so my friend and I went into Tel-Aviv and sat on the beach during the afternoon. Most of the program went to see Waltz with Bashir, which I very much want to see, but it was too gorgeous a day to be inside a movie theatre. After the sun started to go down, we began wandering the area near the beach. We walked along Dizengoff, from Frischmann to the port, then up to Ibn Gvriol looking for a bookstore with English language books. We had mixed success, but managed to find a store with philosophy, art, psychology, and maybe 10 fiction books on a side street. I have no idea what street it was, but it definatly curved, because I thought we were walking parallel to Frischmann, but we ended up intersecting it. Then we walked back down Dizengoff to the port to a sushi restaurant. All told it was a four hour walk. By some miracle I am not sore today, but I'm sure it explains some of my exhaustion.

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