Saturday, February 7, 2009

This is my away message right now:

Quick review of bars and clubs in Tel-Aviv:

Rosa Parks: Has a sketch of the activist on their napkins, which is pretty awesome. The guys there were not sketchy and the bartender was very cool/patient with us.

Alcohome: Great name. The stairs to the bathroom are deadly. Cheap drinks.

The club next to Alcohome (Ben Yehuda and Arlozorolov): Very boring music selection, but nice crowd of people.

Villa: Owned by a Tulane kid, who wants it to be like the Palms. It's exam time, so maybe it's different during the rest of the year, but the crowd was super young, and the music was NOT the best. Very last year's Top 40. Supposedly this was an "it" club this summer. At the moment its a big high school party in a nicer setting, which can be fun, but provides limited dancing. Also, my friend met a male model who said he didn't drink beer for the carbs. That was depressingly unmasculine and caused us to not want to talk to him anymore.

One of the many Murphy's Irish Beer/Pub Sign Places: Looked like old Bruno's on the inside. Totally empty, but really fun people took us there. And despite the fact that we were leaving, the bartender told us what to say to get into the next club.

Lima Lima: Great music, and amazing mix of straight and gay crowd, which means incredible dancing. It was fun. "25 and older" some nights... which is not so true if you are a female tourist.

General Conclusions: We've done most of the low end of Ben-Yehuda, so it's time to switch to Allenby, which seems potentially more fun.

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