Saturday, April 18, 2009

Another Great Shabbat

So my fabulous host family continues to be wonderful. Before the entry on April 4th, where we went to Tali's sister's home, we went to Tali's mother's home. It was a lovely meal, during which I learned that my host father, Avi, is 1/2 Romanian. We were both excited about this little connection. The other exceptionally interesting thing was that the house we were in was in fact two houses. Tali's mother lived in the first, small cottage when she was married. When her family grew, they built a larger house, surrounding the smaller one on the side and on top. Now Tali's youngest sister lives in the small house, and Tali's mother lives in the larger house. It's very cool.

Also, for anyone who is curious, rugelach is 80,000 times better when heated--it was amazingly delicious.

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