Monday, April 20, 2009

Quick Update--Why April 20th Isn't Just a Day for Stoners

Today is April 20th, the official day for returning decisions to (most) international affairs graduate schools. My final result of acceptance/admittance looked like this:

Syracuse's Maxwell School (with Graduate Assistanceship and fellowship)
Johns Hopkins's School of Advanced International Studies, Bologna Center (in Italy the 1st year, small fellowship)
Columbia's School of International and Public Affairs
American's School of International Studies

Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School

Georgetown's School of Foreign Service

I've made my decision, and while I'm still campaigning for additional aid, this fall I will be returning across the Atlantic to matriculate at the Johns Hopkins University, Bologna Center! It's safe to say that I'm super excited about this. :) I'll be calling the professors who provided my recommendations (thank you so much Dr. Huck, Dr. Howard and Dr. Gleiber!) to tell them about it in more details once the time difference makes this possible.

Tonight we are going to a performance of a play in Jerusalem for the beginning of Holocaust Memorial Day (Jewish holidays begin at sundown [the sighting of the first 3 stars in the sky counts as the official sundown] and end at sundown). The performance was organized by MASA Israel Journey, the grant giving organization that supports long term programs in Israel, including mine.

Tomorrow a siren will wail for two minutes, and the entire country will stop moving--people driving will get out of their cars, people in restaurants will halt their eating, and everyone will stand still for two minutes in memorial to those who perished during the Holocaust. I will write about it when I can, as well as about the rest of Pesach, which I promise will be posted soon.

How's that for a mix of joy and sorrow?

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