Monday, August 2, 2010

This is for you little sister

When I told my sister I was going to Fiji, and asked if she wanted anything, she repeatedly mentioned that I had to check out Noni Juice, because Miranda Kerr swears by it.  So when I saw a bottle at the market, I thought "why not?" despite its exorbitantly high price.  Well, I probably should have realized something was up when the vendor asked me "you can drink that stuff?!" with a look of horror on his face. 

Below is a short photo-mentary of my experience with noni juice.
This stuff is dark brown/purple, and oddly fizzy for a "juice."  Also, it tastes like garlic teriyaki sauce mixed with salt and soda water.  As you can see from the first taste, it's gross.

Initial reaction.  The recommended daily dose is 45 mL, so I tried to approximate 1/10 of the 500 mL bottle.  Let's see if I look like Miranda Kerr after 10 days... unlikely.

Final verdict: while I will dutifully try to remember to drink 45 mL of this stuff in the morning in order to do a legit test of it does anything, I lack faith.  Little Sister, this stuff is crap, just take vitamins.

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