Sunday, August 22, 2010


Volivoli Beach is exceptional.  The dorms were not terribly impressive, nor the food, but the landscaping, pool, and kayaking totally make up for that.  I ended up kayaking in front of a rainbow, kayaking at sunset, and kayaking through perfectly turquoise waters--amazing!

A few shots of the area around Volivoli and Rakiraki (the nearest city with a bus station):

As soon as you arrive in the north, even after the fairly frightening drive, the view immediately relaxes your muscles.  Maybe the air is just more soothing.

How amazing is this resort?  After a rough week at work, this was such a relaxing experience.

Highly recommended--napping by the pool after a delicious salad with homemade dressing.

CoIntern and I went out kayaking for the Saturday night sunset.  The current was super rough outside of the bay, but the view was well worth it.

The mangroves at high tide in the morning.

That island in the distance is Nananui-Ra.  It's supposed to be amazing, but I was pretty happy just staying at Volivoli.

Pre-sunset view of the mountains across the lagoon.  The lagoon had much calmer waters which made for easier kayaking.

In front of the dive shop.  How fabulous is this?

What I really want to do is sail around the world on one of these boats.  Who's with me?

This is where we kayaked out to watch the sunset--the strong current made returning back to shore very easy, but getting out involved turning in circles against the wind and waves.

Good bye picturesque relaxing!  Goodbye Volivoli!

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